Craftadia Season 5 Changelog

Feb 13, 2024

Good afternoon everyone,

Season 5 is almost here! Check out what we have in store below. πŸ‘‡

Shop Adjustments πŸ’Ž

  • Removed Black Market.
  • Removed Shop Vendors (Except Special Items).
  • Introduced Invisible Item Frame Wands.

Towns & Claims 🏠

  • Access to editing signs and flower pots has been moved to "Decoration & Interactions."
  • The ability to place or break boats has been moved to "Build Access."
  • Introduced "Only Me" permissions for claims. Only the claimer can act
  • Glow squids can no longer be killed in claims without permission.
  • End Crystals can no longer be broken in private claims.
  • Fixed alphabetical sorting in Town GUI for members.

Skills βš”οΈ

  • Introduced the Archaeology skill.
  • Archaeology:
    - New Item: Gregs Decorated Pot
    - Double Brush: Ability to brush suspicious block 2x faster.
    - Lucky Brush: Ability to uncover better loot.
    - Lucky Charm: Consumable item that increases the player's luck.
  • Fishing:
    - Money earned has been decreased.
    - Lucky Bait has been increased by 3x.
    - Tropical Fish has been removed.
  • Butchery:
    - Cave Spiders, Skeletons, Spiders, Zombies, Blazes, Magma Cubes, and Piglins have had their XP reduced to 4.
  • Forestry:
    - Leaves now only grant 1 XP.
    - Logs now grant 5 XP.

QOL Changes πŸ’‘

  • Updated the server version to 1.20.4
  • Several behind-the-scenes performance upgrades.
  • Added an option to toggle the ability for text to auto-convert into emojis.
  • Improved proxy software, transferred from BungeeCord to Velocity.
  • Jetpack fuel no longer decreases when in certain areas of spawn.
  • Removed mentions of interest from banking.
  • Remove remaining references to taxes.
  • Item showcase [item] works across worlds now.
  • Chestshops that are selling items but have no stock will no longer be shown
  • Safari Nets now save metadata.
  • Safari eggs will go into the capturer’s inventory unless it is full.
  • MultiTools now transform into their respective hoe item type when used on dirt, grass block, and dirt path.
  • Added the ability to upgrade the multitool to Netherite. With the upgrade item, you can use any anvil to apply the upgrade.
  • Creepers will no longer perform block damage.
  • Players must now acknowledge they have read the server rules before performing any actions with claims or towns.
  • Added /mail feature. Works like a mailbox where you can leave short messages for other players.
  • Added a voting confirmation message when the vote is received.
  • Rename relics now work on signed books.

Store & Crates πŸ”‘

  • Ranks will now be one-time purchases instead of donation accumulation.
  • Mega Crate has been updated.
  • Introduced the Legendary Crate.

More posts are on the way, stay tuned!
