Easter Extravaganza - Blog #48
Greetings Craftadians!
Time truly has flown by since Season 4's release about 3 weeks ago! Today, we will be discussing a brand new event crate, new server wide event, latest additions and bug fixes to the server since Season 4 started.
Easter 2022 Crate 🐣
The Easter Bunny has arrived at Spawn, and it seems he brought more than just chocolate to Craftadia. The Easter Bunny will be visiting until the end of April, find him at /warp crates to open your crates!

Some special highlights to mention:
- If you have Optifine, you will be able to see the Easter 2022 Armor physically on player body's.
- The Easter 2022 Armor features Projectile Protection.
- Wearing the full armor set enables a set bonus for infinite jump boost.
- The Chick in Eggshell and Easter Bunny pets have unique walking and idle animations and contain the "Epic" rarity.
- The Easter 2022 Crate features a special Carrot jetpack.
- The Easter 2022 Crate features a special Rabbit Backpack back-mount.
- The Easter 2022 Gradient Relic can be applied on any item to give it a custom Easter-inspired gradient name.
The Craftadia store has activated a 15% sale on all crate keys in celebration of the new crate in addition to the the sitewide 5% sale!
Easter Egg Hunt 🥚
The Easter Bunny has been hiding 5 easter eggs all around Spawn every 1-2 hours. Your objective is to collect as many eggs as you can by April 23rd to get some special rewards! You can check how many eggs you've collected by typing /event in-game at Spawn.
Egg Hunt Milestone Rewards:
- 15 Eggs: $25,000
- 50 Eggs: Easter 2022 Spray
- 100 Eggs: Cottontail Backmount

You'll get a message in chat when they appear, and another when they disappear shortly after. We've added extra small rewards each time you find an egg, such as money and gemstones, so even after 100 eggs the truly dedicated egg hunters can keep hunting!

The hidden eggs look like heads with easter egg textures, and they will also spin in circles and have a particle effect so they are not confused with other Spawn decor. Eggs will appear in the main throughput areas of spawn, so no need to go searching on the cliffs on the perimeter of spawn
Olympic Additions: 🏆
The Olympics has been a fun feature for the Craftadia community and we're excited to grow it even further. If you missed it, in addition to Olympics system that we know and love, we have recently added new Olympics Shops.
Players can gain Olympic points for winning ranked Olympics games, and then these points can spent on the Olympics Shop. The shop features 3 trophies (bronze, silver and gold) as well as an Olympic torch, all of which are placeable.

Ranked Olympics games are started by a donation or vote wheel spins, however to show off the new Olympics shop we have pre-scheduled ranked games for the time being, so take advantage of these scheduled games before they're gone! You can view browse the Olympics Shop and view the scheduled games by visiting /warp olympics.

There are more additions to come to the Olympics, so stay tuned!
Staff Applications 📝
While we continue to work on server bugs and stability, we are also looking to expand our staff team, to provide more resources for players to get help for the problems they may face. We will be opening up Season 4 staff applications starting this Friday April 15th.
If you think you have what it takes to be a staff a member and are interested in joining Craftadia's staff team in Season 4 then please apply here anytime after Friday.
Misc. Updates & Changes 📫
We are constantly making changes and adding new things, to keep up the the latest information make sure to join our discord. Here's a list of some of the smaller things that happened since the last blogpost:
- Fixed resource worlds to not have fire spread.
- Server difficulty fixed to be on "normal" mode.
- Fixed Blackmarket to reset every 24 hours.
- Fixed a typo in dungeons.
- Adjusted the Mining skill to work for 1.18 blocks.
- Removed additional saturation buff from non-seasonal foods.
- Increased the server wide render distance to 6.
- Fixed issues with relics not working when apply them to items.
- Optimized 2 year marriage anniversary rings to reduce TPS impact.
- Disabled skeletons from destroying hanging entities (item frames) in claimed land.
- Craftadia guides have been updated to include newest Season 4 content.
- Optimized spawn particles to reduce effects on FPS.
- Reduced prices of items in the Olympics Shop.
- Fixed issues with the Cave Parkour particles not apply correctly.
- Added Avocado and Avocado Toast to the shop directory.
- Added a new #feedback-post channel to the discord for players to bump their feedback posts
- Added /warp vendors to allow quick teleporting to the spawn buy shops.
- Fixed issues with PvP regions
- Patched a few exploits with chest shops
- Fixed an issue where the Cave Parkour wouldn't allow people to finish.
- Introduced a new "Crop destroy" option for claim settings.
- Added a new feature for cultivators to shift-right-click crops to remove them when not fully grown.
- Patched multiple Olympics related bugs effecting games, scheduling, and the shop.
- Added Sell Wands to the quest shop.
- Decreases damage dealt/health of mods in the Hell Dungeon.
- Disabled disguises in the PvP arena.
- Lecterns have been temporarily disabled due to an exploit causing worlds to crash.
- Fixed the glitched models for animated pet after the easter release.