Confetti Celebration - Blog #31

Jan 27, 2021

Greetings Craftadians! We've got big PVP changes, bonus keys, and confetti cannons in store with this blog post.

New PVP Arena 🤺

Most of you will have probably already noticed this change, which we discussed in our previous blog post.

Our PVP arena has been completely re-done. The coliseum is no more, and has been replaced with a massive two-sided PVP Island off the coast of Craftadia's Spawn.

Visiting Lancelot at Spawn (at /warp PVP) will allow you to select whether you'd like to visit the Non-Keep Inventory side, the Keep Inventory side, or the spectator area.

This new PVP overhaul features new obstacles, better vantage points for spectators, randomized spawn points, and more space to fight.

Bonus New Years Keys 🔑

Until January 31st at 11:59 PM PST, all New Years Key purchases will include bonus keys depending on the amount purchased:

  • Purchasing the 1x New Years Crate Key package will give you 2x Keys
  • Purchasing the 5x New Years Crate Key package will give you 7x Keys
  • Purchasing the 15x New Years Crate Key package will give you 18x Keys

You can find our Crate Keys by clicking here.

Note: New Years Crate Keys will leave the Store by the 1st of February.

Confetti Cannon Store Promotion 🎉

Until February 6th at 11:59 PM PST, we're running a special New Years store promotion.

Spending $25.00+ in a single purchase will give you a free Confetti Cannon! The Confetti Cannon can be right-clicked to launch colorful particles out, with a cooldown of 10 seconds.



A cool guy.