Hey guys,
As promised, we've put our three worlds from Craftadia Season 1 and three worlds from CubeSMP up for download to preserve your builds. Just like we mentioned in the announcement in Discord, none of the information from /warp, /home, etc. has been retained. This means that the world is offered in a state similar to how you would see it in single-player.
Getting Started
To get started, download the world(s) you desire from the links below. Each world is a couple gigabytes, due to how large our worlds are.
Once your world(s) are downloaded, use a program such as WinZIP or 7-ZIP to extract the contents. You will then need to extract them into:
Loading the World
Once your world(s) have been extracted into your saves folder, you're ready to open Minecraft. Open any version from 1.13.2 and above, and navigate to the Singleplayer tab in the main Minecraft menu.
Once you're there, you should see the world(s) you extracted listed there. Double click on the world you wish to visit, and after some loading, you'll arrive.
That's it! You're all set to revisit your old memories as you also work to create some wonderful new creations on Craftadia, Season 2.
These assets are being made available on an “as-is” basis, without any representation or warranty of any kind or nature.
Craftadia Season 1 Download Links
To download a world, simply click on the corresponding link from the list below:
Blue World
Yellow World
Green World
CubeSMP Download Links
To download a world, simply click on the corresponding link from the list below: