Community Questions for New Leadership

Greetings Craftadians!

With a new leadership coming to Craftadia, we wanted to give the community the opportunity to voice their questions and concerns directly to us. We would like to thank the members of the community who took the time to reach out and submit questions to be addressed in this post, so that we could be as candid as we can be regarding your concerns.

Custom Crops

Yes, we will continue to expand on the already existing custom crops system as past ownership has intended, while bring our own ideas to the table.

Olympic Shop & Games

We’re committed to fixing and improving the Olympic Games. These were some of the first fixes we deployed, and is something we’ll continue to work on.

Yes, we will be implementing the Olympic Shop, as previously announced. We want this to act as a new shop, not just a reskinned merchant.

Bank Interest

At the moment, this will not be implemented. Interest was originally designed to be implemented alongside tax, and since this was removed, it’s quite hard to implement meaningful interest that won’t cripple the economy, without some form of balance. We will keep this option open for the future by keeping the bank, however, at the moment, there are no plans to follow through with this planned addition.

1.18 Update

Yes, we will be updating to 1.18, and work for that is well and truly underway.

Crates & Bundles

We plan on continuing the release of custom crates & bundles, however, for the remainder of this season, we’ve decided it would not be fair to release another crate. However, we may look at introducing other, non-resettable content.

Future Vaults

Yes, we will keep player vaults for old to new season  transitions. At this time, we do not have details for the future vault systems but details such as size and functionality will be announced alongside any future resets. For now, as we’ve previously announced, Reset Vaults from last season transition will close on 5th February.

Future Resets

Although we cannot give an exact timeline on how often resets will occur, and at times, they may be needed prematurely, it is our intention to have them as infrequently as possible in the future. This will range season-by-season, but our rough intention would be around 1 year per season.

Bonuses & Giveaways

Going forward, we aim to more frequently release bonuses such as double gemstone/moonstone and double skill experience weekends. Along with the bonuses, we want to provide more giveaways through community events, while continuing to provide crate-based events and simple giveaways such as reacting to a discord post to win rewards.

Community Polls

We’re committed to holding more community polls, via discord, and allowing for a higher degree of community involvement when it comes to deciding what features are implemented. The easiest way to make your voice heard is through our feedback website (

Planned Feedback

There will be some feedback posts that have been marked as "planned" by past leadership that will no longer be "planned" with the new leadership. With that being said, we intend to make this change formally on the feedback site by reverting the status on some features back to unplanned.


We’re currently looking into Voting Rewards, and trying to see if we can make any notable changes to them, and potentially move to a 1 vote, 1 key system. This may mean we need to rebalance some current rewards.


At the moment we’re very much still learning the codebase. At current, it’s well over 100,000 lines long, and that’s not including every configuration and texture pack we have. However, that’s by no means an excuse. As with Olympics, we are aware that if we’re to improve it, we first need to fix it. Over the coming months, we will be spending a considerable amount of time on bug fixes, and will continue to do so indefinitely.