Craftadia Season 6 Vaults

Hi all,

I'm really glad to finally be able to announce this! The team has been incredibly hard at work for the last few months getting everything ready for the final big push to the new season! The final step in that procedure is the vaults!

We've had lots of questions about this so for the benefit of everyone... Both new and returning I'm going to keep this as short and to the point as possible so there is no speculation on what can and cannot be vaulted.

With moving to a new code base and having to remake virtually everything from scratch some things are going to have to become legacy (defined as non-functional for gameplay but able to keep their cosmetic function).

For those of you not familiar with how vaults work please click here.

Vaults are a way of ensuring players can bring items over between seasons. We allow all users regardless of donation rank 400 slots to transfer a variety of items (see vault restrictions). Whilst we know players will always want more and more items every season we feel that 400 is enough that old and new players alike will have plenty of space to store whatever they desire without destabilising a new economy straight away.

Vault dates:

  • Vaults have been open since February 24th
  • Vaults will be closing April 18th at midnight EST.
Any delays to Season 6 may mean vaults close slightly later than this date. This is a guideline to ensure all players have adequate time to vault their precious items. This is the earliest possible date that vaults will close. If you attempt to store items in your vault after this date they may already be shut.

Vault sizes and restrictions:

  • All players initially have a vault size of 400. However you can purchase small increases on the store.
  • Players are limited to 1 vault
    • Attempting to access more than one will result in those accounts being locked.
      • If you find yourself locked out of your vault you must create a Discord ticket (#support-tickets) and a staff member will assist.
  • You will not need to empty your vault from last season. Anything in there will be retained.
    • So for those returning players who have skipped a season or just returning from season four... Fear not! You'll be able to access them in Season 6 even if you have never played Season 5.
    • If it's not available in the new season you will have wasted that vault slot for an item that is available. It will still count towards your vault size.
      • This is to account for vaults that have not been emptied or touched. If it is not in the approved list of items then it will either not be present in season 6 or will not work.

Redeeming items in the new season:

Vault NPC in Season 6 - This is where you will have to come in order to access your vault!

This will work much the same way as previous seasons. For those unfamiliar here is how it works:

  • Vaults will remain locked for 2 weeks from season start. (This is to ensure a gradual progression and release of items)
  • Every week after this period you will be able to remove 3 items from the vault, this can be done via an NPC at spawn.
  • This will continue until vaults are empty.

The following items will be able to be vaulted:

  • Written Books/ Writeable Books/ Books
  • Player and Dragon heads
    • Has a stack limit of 16 per vault slot
  • Custom Structures
    • This includes items like: Leprechaun Plushie, BBQ, Surfboards..etc
    • Has a stack limit of 16 per vault slot
  • Sunflower
  • Cake
  • All Crate armor
    • Unless otherwise listed elsewhere

The following are referred to as legacy items please see Disclaimer at bottom for more information.

  • Marriage Rings
  • Valentines Day Armor
  • Confetti GUn
  • St Patricks Armor
  • Halloween Tools
  • Summer Tools
  • Ruby Summer Armor
  • Legacy Ruby Armor
  • Legacy Ruby Tools
  • Pirate Armor
  • Pirate Tools
  • Obsidian Tools (Legacy only)
  • Rainbow Armor
  • Multi-tool
  • Silk Spawner Wrenches
  • Item Relics
  • Safari Nets
  • Ice and Fire Staffs

The following have stack limits of 1:

  • All unredeemed Hats
  • All unredeemed Pets
  • All unredeemed Back Mounts
  • All unredeemed Backpacks
  • All unredeemed Masks
  • All unredeemed Sprays
This means each item will require it's own vault slot. Having 64 of a specific item will require 64 individual vault slots.

Disclaimer: Anything with a note of "legacy item" means will be non-functional in the new season. Cosmetics/lore will be applied but will not function.

Stack limits: All items where listed will require each item to have its own vault slot. For example: 64 Grogu pets in note form will require 64 vault slots.

The following will not be able to be vaulted:

  • Vanilla blocks of any sort
  • Vanilla tools or armor (including renamed or ones with relics applied)
  • Custom food
  • Custom blocks
  • Custom Crops
  • Gemstone and their Blocks
  • Moonstone and their Blocks
  • 2x and 3x Boosters
  • Cultivators
  • Credit
  • Mega and Vote keys
  • Any Skill item
  • Experience Bottles
  • Any Spawner variant.

We hope this is straightforward and self-explanatory but any questions please ask in the #support channel on discord and a staff member will be able to assist.

That about wraps up the important info for vaults! I'd like to apologise for this information taking so long. We want to make sure that whatever we promise we're going to deliver on.

We cant wait for you all to experience what we've been working on. More posts to come on returning and new features for Craftadia: Season 6.

Thank you,

From all the team.